- Olet täällä: Etusivu »
- Hinta
- 309,00€
- Saatavuus:
- Varastossa heti toimitukseen
Elektroninen Päävirtakatkaisija ilman painonappeja ja tarroja.
Täysin elektroninen päävirtakatkaisija, sammuttaa moottorin välittömästi ja täysin turvallisesti.
Tekniset Tiedot:
- Sisältö: Päävirtakytkin ei painonappeja eikä johtoa
- Virrankesto: 650A (hetkellinen 2000A)
- Käyttöjännite: 7V-18V
- Virrankulutus: 0 mA OFF, 25 mA ON
- Kytkentä: Akun miinusnapaan M8
- Toimintalämpötila: -40°C – +85°C
- Paino: 70g
- Koko: 45×60mm
The XR Battery Isolator is the latest generation of motorsport master-switch devices from CARTEK. At 30% smaller size and 40% lighter weight than the previous ‘standard’ and GT isolators, this XR version offers even more benefits and performance when compared with traditional mechanical master-switches and electro/mechanical safety cut-outs.
- Fully electronic with no moving parts
- Totally sealed against water and dirt
- Completely resistant to shock and vibration
- 0.5 second delay between transmitting the engine kill signal and disconnecting the battery allowing ECUs time to perform a shutdown sequence before electrical power is lost.
- Fully integrated with built in alternator run-down circuitry - No extra components required
- Driver operation by a single internal ON-OFF button/switch
- External operation by single or multiple 'strike' button(s)
- Buttons / switches connected to Isolator using lightweight wiring and IP67 sealed connector
- Mounts close to battery for reduced cabling
- Very small and weighs just 70g
- Designed and manufactured in UK using high quality components.
The Cartek Battery Isolator XR provides two functions. The first is to disconnect the Battery from all Electrical Circuits. The second is to kill the engine.
Battery Isolation
The Cartek Battery Isolator XR works by being fitted in between the negative side of the battery and the chassis. When the external kill button has been activated or the internal button been switched to the off state, then the Battery Isolator will disconnect the negative side of the battery from the Chassis. This means that no power can get to any of the electrical circuits as there is a break in the circuit.
Engine Kill
This unit does not have a power input or power output. Instead it sends a signal (12v 0.2a when on, switched to chassis/earth when off) which is wired up to either a Power Distribution Module or Motorsport ECU that has an ignition switch signal input. The ECU or Power Distribution Module will then shut down when it see’s this signal - which then kills the engine.
Built in Protection
The Cartek Battery Isolator XR comes with built in alternator run down protection meaning no extra wiring and no extra components.
How Is It Controlled?
The two electronic isolation circuits are controlled by microprocessors and incorporate various safety systems including over-temperature and over-current monitoring. These microprocessors also monitor the kill switches/buttons for instant activation without false triggering.
Tuote voidaan toimittaa seuraavilla toimitustavoilla.
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- Nouto Myymälästä
- 0,00 €
- Nouto Myymälästä toimitustapaa voidaan käyttää noudon lisäksi myöskin siinä tapauksessa että asiakas haluaa lisätä tuotteita jo tehtyyn toimitusta odottavaan tilaukseen. Näin säästytään ylimääräisiltä toimituskuluilta.